PM Company Visit

PM Company Visit

We had an enjoyable bus ride ahead of us, during which many of us brushed up on our tie-tying skills and attempted to win a Taylor mug by solving a puzzle. Upon arrival, we were welcomed with lunch and a presentation about PM. Founded in 1966 with a focus on linear...
Quooker Network Drinks

Quooker Network Drinks

In mid-September, Quooker visited our PME Square for a social and engaging Network Drinks event, offering us a glimpse into their dynamic work culture. They began with an interactive presentation, followed by a fun pub quiz that gave us a better understanding of what...
Settels Lunch Lecture

Settels Lunch Lecture

The first lunch lecture of the year was a great success, drawing over 80 HTE members. We were hosted by Settels, an engineering company based in Eindhoven. The presentation featured two speakers, Jaap Oudes and Niels van Giessen. Jaap introduced the company’s...
Itec Network Drinks – 14 March 2024

Itec Network Drinks – 14 March 2024

In the middle of March, Itec visited our faculty, giving a presentation about their company on PME Square, a place they were quite familiar with, as they told us later. Itec, headquartered in Nijmegen, is a constituent of the Nexperia Group, encompassing a workforce...
VDL Company Visit – 19 March 2024

VDL Company Visit – 19 March 2024

On Tuesday 19th of March, VDL – Enabling Technologies group (ETG) was so kind to invite us over for a company visit. After being picked up in Delft by the VDL bus, it was a one and a half hour drive to be greeted by the VDL – ETG facilities in Eindhoven. ...