On the 23rd of March, all hell broke loose on the grass fields of Fortuna korfball association. After a very lengthy waiting period, it was finally time for the first real PHYSICAL event of the year, hosted by Taylor (woohoo!!!).
Luckily the fields that were hired and the sports attributes that were gathered with the help of students made that there was plenty of sports and games to join for everyone, because the animo was of course a force to be reckoned with after so many indoor days!
Given the happy faces that left the fields after 3 hours of playing beach volleyball, football, badminton, KUBBS and many other games, it’s safe to conclude that this was the first SUCCESSFUL physical event of the year!!!
How could one ever describe this amazing feeling of happy gathering, you can’t. Luckily we all know that a picture says more than a 1000 words , so look around and make sure that you join us the next time! The pictures can be found here.
