On Tuesday the 16th of February, Taylor hosted its Music Madness night including free pizza and delicious craft beers! Due to the CoVid pandemic, it was an online Zoom event, but that didn’t make the evening less enjoyable! All kinds of music themes from great hits to movie producers and music mash-ups came by. Due to the good organization, the evening ran like clockwork, even though the difficulties were due to the event being fully online. The entire music quiz was very competitive until the end. Even though being rick-rolled twice, we have had a lot of laughter whilst enjoying some of the finest craft beers. With some good teamwork we managed to submit the most correct answers. We were surprised but very happy to find out that we won! After all, it was a great night and we had a lot of fun.

-J. van Pelt, J. Smit, T.  Huijsmans and B. Wielaard (HTE Students 20/21)

Music Madness
