On this page, you will find helpful information concering your study programme.

Choosing study programme

The curriculum with the courses and many electives can be found here. Courses recommended per focus are also listed. To know more about the courses consult the study guide.

The study program planner, including rules and obligations can be found here.

If you want to change your study programme or have questions about it, fill in the change form and send it to the daily master coordinator (e.matroos@tudelft.nl).

Focus Areas

Next to the HTE obligatory courses students choose a research focus in which they want to deepen their knowledge. Focus Areas within the High-Tech Engineering track are: 

Mechatronic System Design (MSD) aims at designing integrated systems of mechanisms, sensors, actuators and control to perform complex tasks while interacting in a multiphysical environment, typically at high speed and high accuracy, at various length scales. Recent trends include distributed motion, as in compliant mechanisms, as well as distributed actuation and sensing, and control techniques based on fractional order calculus and reset strategies.

Engineering Dynamics (ED) studies the time-dependent linear and non-linear motion of mechanical structures to engineer dynamical systems. Material properties, thermodynamic interactions and physical actuation forces are studied for enhanced performance of high-speed devices, using mathematical and experimental methods to elucidate and control their complex motions. Explore the ultimate limits of high-frequency nanoelectromechanical systems of atomic-scale dimensions. 

Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) bridges the gap between the ultimate small and the macro world. Students learn to develop and optimise production and assembly processes and technologies which make use of phenomena at the nanometre level. The primary focus within the Micro and Nano Engineering group is on the production and assembly of precise and small parts and products of micrometer and nanometre scale.

Computational Design and Mechanics (CDM) deals with mechanical and dynamic behaviour of structures and systems, and their analysis and design through computer algorithms. Topics range from theoretical foundations of mechanics, modelling approaches (e.g. finite element analysis), to structural design and optimization.

Optics for Technology (OPT) covers the fundamentals of optics in theory and practice which is necessary for engineers in industry and academia. This includes the design of high-end optical systems, micro optical systems and light transport in complex media like tissue. This expertise can be combined with other fields of engineering (e.g. mechanical, materials, civil) to be able to design and build devices which can serve the new generation of societal needs in industry, environmental challenges and healthcare. This gives students more flexibility in choosing electives and building a portfolio for a successful career.


