Past Events

This page contains recaps of our past events.

Past Events

Lunch lecture TMC 14-06-2021

Lunch lecture TMC 14-06-2021

On the 14th of June, Jan Jaap Koning and Ahmed Boh from TMC joined Taylor in hosting the last lunchlecture of the year. Ahmed, responsible for the guidance and supervision of Engineers and Technical specialists as a Senior Business Manager, shared his experience and...

Taylor Terrace 08-06-2021

Taylor Terrace 08-06-2021

    On Tuesday the 8th of June, the time had come to close off the year with the last monthly reception organised by the Taylor board 20/21. The longexpected relieve of measures provided us with an opportunity to close of the year by means of a physical...

Case study Prodrive Technologies 25-5-2021

Case study Prodrive Technologies 25-5-2021

Finally, after a year of zooming through online lectures, where university felt more like an expensive streaming subscription, we could finally come to the campus again. A perfect opportunity for 20 soon to be High-Tech-Engineers to proof their problem-solving skills...

Connect Event 11-5-2021

Last Tuesday on the 11th of May, Taylor organized for some companies to come together such that we high tech engineers could meet them on the online Gather Town platform. The companies they arranged were rather interesting, Huisman for example, has nothing to do with...

Lunch Lecture ACE 29-4-2021

On Thursday the 29th of April it was time for another lunch lecture from the high-tech industry hosted by Taylor. Frank Steeghs of ACE came by and gave a vivid lecture about his company. The lecture started with a brief overview of all the work that ACE performs as an...

Taylor Sports Afternoon II 20-4-2021

Taylor Sports Afternoon II 20-4-2021

The 20th of April it was time for another sports event at the roaring fields of the Fortuna korfball association. Excited for another afternoon of healthy exercise in the sun after a long week of exams. We started at half past 3 with an epic 6v6 soccer match. More and...

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