On the 9th of February, Freek and Thomas came by 3ME to give a lecture about their day-to-day at Sioux. This lecture came accompanied by a nice piece of free pizza, and a chance to win free beer.
The main body of the lecture consisted of a variety of projects which both had worked on, these projects were mainly focused on high tech design within a broad range of applications. This is also the focus of Sioux; they offer solutions in the high-tech industry for their clients. These clients don’t necessarily have to be from the high-tech industry, but due to the big variation in expertise within Sioux they can offer solution solving as a product.
As an example of the type of project Sioux works on, they talked about a project in which they were tasked with creating a device that can automatically perform analysis on prepared slides with organic content on them. This showed the problems which are part of such a project, as well as the iterative solving process which is applied in the company.
– Michiel den Daas