TNO case study

Communicating with lasers – A real engineering problem:
During this workshop you will experience what it is like to work with an vaguely defined problem and unknown solution where, as a multi-role and -disciplinary team, you need to come up with a sound optical communication terminal system design proposal that sells.
The workshop is given by two TNO academics:
Stijn Pletincks, Computer Science graduate student working as an intern for the department of Cyber Security & Robustness.
Bart van de Laar, Aerospace alumnus working as a system engineer for the department of Optomechatronics.

Sign up here for the case study provided by TNO:

Pay attention to the location: F-206 in TNW (=applied physics)! The buidling opposite of 3mE.


Date 11/02/2020

Time 15:00 - 17:30

Location TNW F 206

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