Online lunch lecture ACE

On Thursday the 29th of April Frank Steeghs, on behalf of ACE, will show why they are one of the best engineering/consultancy companies. ACE provides services in five different markets, namely hightech systems (of course), product development, industrial automation, automotive engineering and construction technology. Frank himself about the lecture: “Besides the company presentation – in order to present a not all too commercial story -, I’ll also tell you about ‘skills for the future’. From my experience I’d like to describe what kind of competences and talents are important for your future. It’ll probably be a relatively large group, but I hope we can have some nice interaction!”

If you attend the entire lecture, you’ll receive both a Neve point and a free lunch! To attend this lunch lecture please register here!



Date 29/04/2021

Time 12:30 - 13:45

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