Lunch Lecture Metrohm 19-04-2022

Lunch Lecture Metrohm 19-04-2022

On the 19th of April, Metrohm hosted a lunch lecture for the HTE students. Metrohm is one of the world’s most trusted manufacturers of high-precision instruments for chemical analysis. CEO Timoer Frelink kicked off with a presentation about the company, where its...
Excursion PM 17-03-2022

Excursion PM 17-03-2022

On March the 17th, the company PM had invited us for an excursion to their facility. The day started with us gathering at the usual spot, next to the TUDelft library. At 10:45 our drive to Dedemsvaart begins. Upon arrival, a group picture is taken and we register...
Taylor drinks Het Klooster 15-02-2022

Taylor drinks Het Klooster 15-02-2022

On the 15th of February, our dear mental Taylor coaches decided to help us students “break the week in half”(on Tuesday) by hosting another generously sponsored drink at cafe Het Klooster. The combination of the cozy atmosphere, combined with an...
Lunch Lecture PM 01-03-2022

Lunch Lecture PM 01-03-2022

On the 1st of March, PM hosted a lunch lecture for us at 3ME. After a trip from Dedemsvaart, Jan Willem and Johan gave us an informative talk about the family-run company specialized in designing precision linear and rotating bearings and slides. After a nice clip of...