

From left to right: Mark Baken             Chair Maurits Neele         Secretary Paulien Laninga     Treasurer Niels Beaufort         Commissioner of internal affairs Jelle Smit                 Commissioner of external...
Company visit Hittech 24-05-2022

Company visit Hittech 24-05-2022

It’s not every day that we can visit a company by bike. With only a few minutes of cycling or public transport, we arrived at Hittech Multin in The Hague. After enjoying a presentation about the company and what types of projects they do, it became clear that you do...
Cycling Network Event Huisman 22-04-2022

Cycling Network Event Huisman 22-04-2022

Today the biking trip with Huisman was planned. Wearing the sponsored kit of Huisman, Dehlia and I left from Delft and headed over to Huisman. Biking along the Schie, we very quickly were passed by Stan and Jan. With our group of four we continued until we arrived at...
Company visit VDL 25-04-2022

Company visit VDL 25-04-2022

In short, educational, exciting, and enlightening. This is how I would describe our visit to VDL. Although VDL has always kept a close collaboration with TU Delft and especially the PME department at 3mE, it was not until I visited VDL and received an all-around, yet...